Ryder & Associates handles a wide variety of comparatively simple as well as extremely complicated tax matters for individuals and small businesses.  Complete compilation of such matters would be too voluminous for a website.  Below is a representative sample of types of matters commonly encountered in tax representation.  But just because your particular issue may not be listed doesn’t mean we can’t handle it professionally. 

Considering the thousands of cases negotiated in the last fourteen years, it would be unrealistic, if not impossible, to categorize them all.  However, we apply a standard of excellence to each and every case to obtain the best possible results.  Of course, nothing is guaranteed as outcome depends primarily on facts and circumstances of each case.  But we can guarantee that your case will be handled by a skilled and competent attorney properly supervised to maximize potential for positive case resolution and client satisfaction.       

Tax Matters

Audit and Audit Reconsideration:
Have you been audited or the IRS changed your tax?  Audit reconsideration can help.

Currently Non-Collectible (CNC):  
Can’t pay taxes right now due to temporary circumstances?  Currently non-collectible status may help.

Installment Agreement
Can’t pay taxes immediately, but could over time?  Installment Agreement could work.

Notice of Deficiency and Tax Court:
Did you receive a statutory Notice of Deficiency from the IRS? Tax Court allows you to litigate before paying. 

Other Services

Tax Advisory Services:
Tax problems often are compounded by ancillary issues such as accounting errors. 

Tax Lien Management Services:
Tax lien management is a complicated process. Halt-IRS can help!


Penalty Abatement - Civil Penalty:
Was your business assessed a civil penalty by the IRS?  You may qualify for partial penalty abatement. 

Penalty Abatement - Individual:
Have you suffered unexpected circumstances beyond your control resulting in astronomical IRS penalties? You may qualify for penalty abatement. 

Trust Fund Recovery Penalty:
Is the IRS proposing a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty?  You can protest responsibility, willfulness, computation errors, or all three.  



Tax and Taxation Planning, Advice, Information and Consultancy Services:
Taxpayers often require advice and planning to resolve their situation.


Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be intimidating.

Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR)
The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) is more difficult to deal with than the IRS. 

Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) is the most difficult of the three tax agencies to deal with. 


Bad Accountant:
Does your accountant’s story not match the IRS notices you receive?  You may need a second opinion.    

Injured Spouse:
Married to someone who owes the IRS back taxes?  Injured Spouse can help.

Innocent Spouse:
Did your spouse under-report income on a joint income tax return?  Innocent Spouse may help.